Project portfolio
HT Apps is engaged in research and development projects in the ICT field, in collaboration with companies and organizations from all over Europe. Thanks to its credibility, HT Apps has obtained over the years grants from the PON Enterprises and Competitiveness, from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and from the POR Sicily.
Take a look at our project portfolio and contact us for a collaboration or to request information on our research and development activities.

The VESTA project is a security system based on innovative short-range technologies.
The system is based on a virtual cloud unit that collects information from sensors, interprets them and makes them available to Users via the web or app.
Therefore, the system signals dangerous situations as they occur, detecting possible intrusions through audio and video inputs.
Unlike traditional security systems, sensors play an active role in detecting possible intruders.
Traditional alarm and prevention systems use a physical control unit as a security system, which could be subject to sabotage by thieves in the event of dangerous situations. With VESTA technology, this threat is overcome because it is all in the cloud, as there is no need for a physical alarm unit.

The main advantage of VESTA technology is therefore the virtual control unit managed through a cloud system which represents the server part that captures the information from the sensors and makes it available to the User, via web access or from any mobile device.
Being an alarm in the cloud, the web/mobile interface allows the user to configure the sensors, associate them with the environment to be monitored, decide the types of alarms to be enabled and consult any audio / video multimedia content generated after an activated alarm.
The sensors are designed in such a way as to signal a danger even with the inhabitants inside the apartment and therefore in conditions of deactivation of the system.
Wellness and health apps are among the most downloaded from the Google and Apple stores.
Their success comes from the fact that we have learned to take care of ourselves using the benefits of technology in our lives.
Here is how happiness and serenity also pass from the keyboard of a smartphone that teaches us to be comfortable with devices and proposes solutions to problems that a few decades ago we could not have solved, if not with much longer times and costs.
Medicbox is the health app designed and created by HT Apps with the innovative element of the Life Saving Code which is regenerated with each use to guarantee you the maximum privacy policy.

The app allows you to organize all your files and medical reports in a simple and intuitive way, like in a virtual medical record, collected on a single resource to have them just a click away at any time and from any place you are.
You can upload documents, enter the names of your doctors, your health data, appointments and visits on your calendar to never forget anything.