web apps development

Developing web apps for your company in 6 key steps [guide]

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Web apps development, in addition to being an ever-expanding frontier, has become an almost obligatory step for companies wishing to invest in Industry 4.0 and reach a wider audience.

Web apps, or web applications, are software delivered with the aid of a browser and offer an engaging user experience, similar to that of native apps (we will explain the difference shortly).

Their special feature is that they do not have to be downloaded, but can be enjoyed directly on the World Wide Web.

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What is a web app?

A web app is an application running on a remote server and that is accessible via a browser. Differently from native apps, which are specific to a particular operating system (such as iOS or Android), web apps are designed to run on any platform with a browser. Some of the best known include: Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox and Opera.

Web apps use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create interactive and dynamic graphical user interfaces. Such technologies enable the development of engaging user experiences that ‘rival’ those offered by native apps.

How does a web app work?

A web app is based on three fundamental components: the front-end, the back-end, and the database. The front-end is what the user sees and interacts with; it is built in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The back-end, on the other hand, handles the logic of the application, working server-side with other languages, namely Python, Ruby or PHP. The database, lastly, is where the data is stored and processed.

web apps development

How to develop web apps: 6 key steps

Web app development requires careful planning and a series of steps to ensure a successful end product. Here are the 6 standard steps involved in developing a web app:

1. Define the goals

Define the goals or, better still, identify the indispensable purposes and functionalities your web app must have. Understanding users’ needs is indeed crucial.

2. Carefully design the graphical interface

Create an attractive and intuitive graphic interface. Drawing up a mockup first will help.

3. Develop the front-end

It uses, as mentioned above, HTML, CSS and JavaScript to implement the graphical user interface and the various APIs required.

4. Develop the back-end

It creates the server logic and implements the database to manage user data and requests.

5. Test the web app

Check that your web app is working properly, correcting any bugs.

6. Distribute it

Publish the application on a web server and make it accessible to Internet users.

Remember, web apps differ from native apps mainly in their accessibility and compatibility. While native apps require a download from the app stores, web apps do not.

Other key differences are:

Mobile web apps development

With the disproportionate use of smartphones and tablets, mobile web apps development has become increasingly important. Mobile web apps offer a user experience optimised for smaller screen sizes and touch interactions.

Typically, to create mobile web apps, developers use frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular or Vue.js, which simplify the development process and enable the creation of responsive and adaptive graphical user interfaces.

Develop your web app with HT Apps, contact us

Web apps development today is a valuable tool for achieving business goals. Whether you are a company or a freelancer, develop your web app with us.

HT Apps, a software house belonging to the JO Group cluster, has specialised in the development of web apps and agritech solutions for more than 20 years. Relying on experienced programmers will give you an edge. Take a look at our portfolio: we have collected our best creations for you, many of which were realised within the framework of important European projects.

To contact us, fill in the contact form, call us on +390957463250 or write to us on WhatsApp without obligation. Our team of developers is looking forward to developing your next web app.

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